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Today’s issue is a special edition as we share a preview of where to keep up with The United Methodist Church as it holds its first General Conference in five years (it starts on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024). This issue’s preview and the next issue’s reactions will be solely about the General Conference. We will resume sharing in our usual categories with our late May issue. Sorry for the temporary takeover for those of you here for geek gospel and general Christianity hot takes!
For the serious Methonerds here, to keep up with the daily quick updates and longer commentary on the General Conference:
Threads: https://www.threads.net/@umjeremy
Mos Eisley (Twitter): https://www.twitter.com/umjeremy
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United Methodist General Conference articles:
Three 1000-word summaries to describe how we got here, what’s happening these next 10 days, and what could be our future.
State of the UMC 1of3. Looking Back: Power and Polity versus People and Places
State of the UMC 2of3. In front of us: Structuring the church to reduce harm and strengthen our principles.
State of the UMC 3of3. Moving forward: Avoiding the narrow future facing The UMC.
A few reflective articles...
The Crane Church: A New Hope for United Methodism. A Japanese folktale gives a powerful image of the church as it has been and what it can be.
Bringing All the Letters to the General Conference. A reflection on who I’m bringing with me to the General Conference in my heart.
…and ONE big alarm…
Against the Grifters at the General Conference. When Renewal Groups became Removal Groups, they lost their credibility at the General Conference.
That’s it for now. Blessings to you and yours, and we’ll start anew next week with our usual program.
~Rev. Jeremy
I always find your insights to be, well, insightful! Thank you for your double duty as delegate and commentator.