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Here’s what was published in our genres since our last newsletter, and the promised exclusive content at the bottom.
Church and Christianity articles:
Punching Down: Behind the Babylon Bee’s practice of Christian Mockery: few articles in recent memory have caused me such pleasure as a takedown of this hateful website. After being banned from Twitter, the CEO of the Babylon Bee reveals why they punch down at marginalized groups instead of focusing on the powers and principalities.
United Methodist articles:
There’s a lot going on over the last few months. Here’s what we reflected on:
Sustaining Innovative and Prophetic Leadership in the Western Jurisdiction: As the jurisdictional conferences meet this week, how can we ensure that local reforms and ideas have channels and containers to become put into practice? Read on for how the WJ is innovating even at the institutional level.
Who I’m voting for to become a United Methodist Bishop: In 2016, I was honored to be one of the electors of a new United Methodist bishop (Bishop Karen Oliveto). This time, in 2022, I’ll be one of three bishops’ electors. It’s an amazing process and I’m honored to have the support of my clergy colleagues for this role that I’m taking seriously–-and in the name of transparency, I’m sharing who I’m voting for.
UMC Bishop Elections dealing with Conflicts of Interest for GMC-leaning delegates: “Owning the Libs” is not a good reason for GMC-leaning delegates to remain as voting delegates for UMC bishop elections.
Judicial Council closes down GMC “loophole” around the UMC Trust Clause: For a denomination being led and designed by several lawyer/pastors, the Global Methodist Church sure is losing a lot in the courtrooms of The United Methodist Church.
A Tale of Two Failed UMC Disaffiliation Votes in Oklahoma: Even failed votes to disaffiliate can cause harm for congregations. Take a read and wonder why churches are taking such unnecessary steps.
African Bishops present the UMC future that the GMC most fears. The African bishops’ public condemnation of a schismatic effort in their regions is a portent of a stronger, regional public witness by United Methodist bishops—and more sleeping giants are awakening this November 2022.
WCA calls on United Methodist churches to violate church law and withhold their tithes: After years of “do as I do, not as I say” practices by anti-gay caucus groups in The United Methodist Church, the truth finally comes out as the Wesleyan Covenant Association officially calls for the withholding of apportionments, in violation of the Discipline they claim to uphold.
The United Methodist 10: 1 mission, 2 forms of holiness, 3 stages of grace, and so on. Read on for this great resource for introducing United Methodist beliefs and practices.
Global Methodist Church: Where did it come from? The Global Methodist Church is the latest in a long line of disgruntled Methodists who have removed people, property, and finances from The United Methodist Church in order to create their own perspective free of accountability and oversight.
Geek Gospel articles:
No new content on the blog, most of those are better found this month on the Hacking Christianity Facebook page.
Open Tabs:
Finally, as promised, email subscribers get exclusive content not available elsewhere. Right now, that is Open Tabs: these are the windows that are open RIGHT NOW on my computer that I just can’t stand to close yet:
“Theology of Star Wars” - I don’t agree with all of it, but any analysis of Star Wars is excellent fodder for discussion.
William Shatner’s “Overview Effect” caused him grief—I wonder if as we are more global with the church that we have a similar effect on our own spirits as the weight of the challenge to the church feels more heavy.
Online disinformation campaigns are becoming more intractable? Oof.
The church is so prescriptive that it is hard to encourage people to find their own path. I found a lot of inspiration in this longread on “Choose Your Own Adventure” books!
The Magic of Rituals: They aren’t just in church, but what could we learn from how rituals are practiced outside of church?
That’s it for now. Blessings to you and yours.
~Rev. Jeremy